Rainbow Cinemas / Magic Lantern Theatres
Digital Pre-show Production Specs


Ad Material must be submitted at least one week prior to start date. Material submitted past this deadline or with the wrong specs might be displayed the following week. Any deadlines that are missed may result in a delay of the campaign for which Rainbow Cinemas/Magic Lantern Theatres can not be held responsible.

File Format

For still slides: file formats can be PSD, PDF, TIFF, Ilustrator EPS, high quality JPG

Size (Regular Preshow)

Total area: 960 pixels wide by 600 pixels high
Safe area: 865 pixels x 505 pixels for text and logos. Anything outside that area might not display on all screens.

arrow greenDownload Photoshop Template

Size (Digital Preshow)

Total area: 1998 pixels wide by 858 pixels high
Safe area: 1830 pixels x 686 pixels for text and logos. Anything outside that area might not display on all screens.

arrow greenDownload Photoshop Template


All artwork preferred in RGB.
Avoid large areas of bright red or blue to reduce colour bleed. Bright colours and high contrasts will look better than muted colours on screen. Avoid very low contrast such as light grey / white or pastel combinations.


Minimum font size: 16 pt
High contrast between text and background is always preferable
Minimal amount of text is better. Keep in mind that slides will only stay on screen for 10 seconds.
Convert all text to curves (or rasterize) before sending final artwork to avoid font problems.

File Naming

Please name your files as follows:

{Client Name}-{Date spot is to begin airing}-{Slide number.{file extension}

Example: Telus-Dec122012-01.jpg


Send us your files

Technical Support

If you have any urgent questions regarding ad specs or for transfer confirmation, please email us at preshow@ideumcommunications.com
or call Alain at 905-836-0081

Sales Support

Your sales representative can be reached at advertise@rainbowcinemas.ca
or by phone at 306 244.5235 (Saskatoon)
or Toll-Free at 1.877.253.8382.


Please note that all creative is subject to approval by Rainbow Cinemas/Magic Lantern Theatres prior to production as per the terms and conditions in your client contract.